enchanted rock

Field Trip - Sunrise at Enchanted Rock

an early morning alarm wakes me from my slumber, in my groggy state i make some coffee and head out into the darkness. two hours west through the texas hill country to enchanted rock state park, and just as i pull into the parking lot the first glimpses of sun begin to kiss the giant granite formation. i hustle up the rock and make it to the top right as the sun fully shows itself over the eastern horizon. i sit in solitude, snapping photos and taking in the sweeping views amidst a whipping morning wind. 

i make my way over to the "caves" which are actually just passage ways created by massive boulders when i run into a group of early morning rock climbers. we exchange pleasantries before going our separate ways.

as the park begins to fill up i head back down enchanted rock and up turkey peak directly across from where i just stood. upon reaching the top i again sit in solace watching, from a distance, the hoards of people making their way up the rock. 

i spend several hours rambling around the park, watching the sun illuminate the land. and before the heat of the texas summer begins to pick up i am already on my way home.