hey y'all, taylor here. last week marked my 24th year. i feel very strongly that my age reflects nothing about me, even so, I feel the obligation and desire to celebrate. lucky for us, my idea of a birthday hoopla is doing what we normally do any ther weekend; camp.
we left austin at 2 am in shorts and t shirts, drove 7 hours north to quitaque, tx and while stopping for coffee at a gas station, we got out of the car and realized..it's damn cold outside! we arrived at caprock canyons sp, greeted by a few dozen bison with the red rock structures off in a distance creating the most beautiful backdrop.

we drove a few miles down into the canyon and set up camp right on the edge of a red, sandy plateau overlooking a near dry stream filled with the footprints of the locals.

hiking out of the riverbed we were greeted with miles upon miles of buttes and canyons.

when the sun went down, we sat close to the fire to stay warm as the temperatures dropped to a brisk 38 degrees.

we woke up early the next morning to several howling coyotes and to see that some critters had visited hour camp in the night. caprock canyons was a perfect place to celebrate the next year i have to forward to... i know it will be an exciting one with many adventures!
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