New Mexico - Day Two

day two of new mexico was spent with my dear sarah rose. she had recommended ruidoso. she found an amazing place for us to stay. we had a few hauntingly beautiful hours on the banks of a mountainside lake, covered with thick fog and drizzle. but i couldn't shake the feeling that soon the day would be gone and we wouldn't be together for another month. i let these thoughts get the best of me, and looking back they got in the way of what could have been a magical few hours together.

as i have learned many times in my life, it is very important to embrace the time you have with someone, no matter how long or short that may be. death, divorce, moving and distance have all taken away people i once loved. it's in my nature to enjoy what ever i'm doing and whom ever i'm with in any given moment, i can honestly say i failed at my own teachings on this day. once something comes to an end there are always those thoughts of could have, should have, would have. did i say the right things? did i say the wrong things? did i let thoughts of the future get in the way of taking as much as i could from a given occasion? but as they say hindsight is twenty twenty.